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The Sponsorship Warehouse Episode 5: Exploring Research Sponsorship

In this episode is packed with insights from Ali Heppenstall and Kari Allen on how research programmes can be game-changers for sponsorship opportunities.

Ever thought of salary surveys and industry reports as more than just data sources? Ali and Kari explore how this activity can be goldmines for sponsorship deals. In this chat, they unpack how you can turn these often-overlooked assets into powerful sponsorship assets that go way beyond just slapping on a logo.

Here’s a quick rundown of the key takeaways for maximising these opportunities:

Why Salary Surveys are a Goldmine for Sponsorship

Salary surveys and industry reports are more than just a means of gathering data—they’re a strategic asset that can significantly enhance your sponsorship offerings. These surveys provide valuable insights into salary trends, career progression, and industry benchmarks. For membership organisations and professional bodies, they offer a compelling proposition to engage sponsors and deliver meaningful value to members.

Many professional bodies outsource or purchase these surveys, but there’s a strong case for flipping this model. By owning and controlling the survey, you can unlock substantial sponsorship potential. The data gathered is not only beneficial for your members but also creates a valuable narrative that sponsors are eager to be part of.

Crafting a Compelling Sponsorship Proposal

When developing a sponsorship package around a salary survey, it’s crucial to approach it methodically.

Structure your proposal into three key areas:

Content Development
  • Allow sponsors to contribute to the development of the survey questionnaire. This can include reviewing draft questions and suggesting edits, provided these are relevant and do not bias the survey.

  • While sponsors can provide input, it’s essential to maintain control over the survey’s content to ensure its integrity.

Findings and Analysis
  • Offer sponsors the opportunity to view initial findings and participate in project meetings. This not only provides them with valuable industry insights but also strengthens the partnership.

  • Involve sponsor experts in reviewing the data, which can lead to fresh perspectives and valuable contributions to the analysis.

Report and Output
  • Include sponsor branding in the report and other outputs. This can involve placing logos on the cover, featuring the sponsor in the forward, or incorporating case studies and data provided by the sponsor.

  • Ensure sponsors have the right to use the survey findings for their own marketing and engagement purposes, while keeping the content’s original context intact.

Maximising Distribution and Promotion

A crucial component of the sponsorship package is how you plan to distribute and promote the survey findings. Outline how you will use various channels—social media, email campaigns, press releases, and events—to disseminate the results.

Transforming Requests into Opportunities

One key strategy discussed is flipping sponsor requests into benefits. Instead of treating additional asks as extras, integrate them into the benefits package. For example, if a sponsor wants an expert to present findings to their team, include this as part of the sponsorship benefits. This approach not only adds value to the sponsorship but also justifies a higher investment.

The Value of Your Data

Many professional bodies undervalue their data and research projects. By recognising the sponsorship potential of these assets and presenting them effectively, you can significantly enhance the attractiveness of your sponsorship packages.


If you're ready to explore how we at b2b can help you develop sponsorships across your research programmes and activity, or if want to learn more about our training and mentoring, get in touch at, for a free 15 minute consultation with one of our experts.

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